schoolbypasser117 This site works for the moonlight forums even though silvereen said it was impossible to do. lol
schoolbypasser117 not_nobodycares_lo go to instead and when it shows that up just reload
Silvereen OK OK I CAN EXPLAIN!!! I tried using UV and Express Static proxy but they didn’t work. This appears to use TIW proxy which I literally never heard of. Still implementing caddy and hard coding it in your forum is the best way to go for compatibility.
chanceisstupid Human TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope (‘’) with script (‘’): A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script.
Human chanceisstupid that means it can’t find some file try running it again with the network section of inspect element open any files that return a 404 can’t be found
Human chanceisstupid in inspect element in the network tab refresh then can you send an image of inspect element
chanceisstupid Human what are you using to code I’m using and I don’t have a inspect element