Asta_Black-Clover hint: its from a certain game it added it in it from a update in it not to long ago.
Asta_Black-Clover KingWolf the Fortnite doctor doom chosen event when you claim the isle of doom to become doctor doom.
qLewer Asta_Black-Clover I think it would’ve been better if it was the one at castle doom but this is still cool to see
Asta_Black-Clover qLewer yeah I installed a mod that adds marvel characters and there was doctor doom in it so it gave me a idea for the isle of doom to build it in Minecraft.
Asta_Black-Clover qLewer but also you cant get green and other color torch’s in any other type of Minecraft. only Minecraft education edition has different color torch’s.
Asta_Black-Clover KingWolf the school Chromebook has Google play store already on it just go on it and you will see a app that says Minecraft and that’s the Minecraft eduction edition app.